Thursday, August 2, 2012

He. is. perfect.

I don't even know how to start this blog. All I can do is stare at the baby monitor, watching my son sleep so peacefully, and know that he is so unaware of the mess that this world has become.

Just over a week ago, when the hatred of one man ripped the feeling of security of going to a movie theater away from families across the country, I cried. I cried because I felt the loss for the families who begged and cried as they searched for their loved ones, only to find out that they were gone. I sat there on the living room floor, knowing that my son was sleeping peacefully, and cried. I walked into our bathroom to brush my teeth, looked in the mirror, and sobbed. I am terrified of what the world is coming to. I just brought a child into THIS world?! What kind of world are our children going to grow up in? How could this happen? Who is responsible? And, most importantly, how do we stop it?

With this wound still fresh, the Chic-fil-A fiasco begins. That's exactly how I see it...a fiasco. It's amazing how very much our news media thrives on the "flavor of the week." With all intentions of keeping this portion short--I simply believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but also that a little respect for each other goes a long way. Keep your unwanted, controversial comments to yourself. 

I posted a picture of my son on facebook while we were eating at Chic-fil-A on what came to be known as "Chic-fil-A Appreciation Day." I was there to show a little support for a great company, with great food and, yes, traditional Christian values, that simply answered a question about a touchy subject--giving the "wrong" answer, according to many people in this country. Did they offend people who don't agree with their opinion? Probably. Is anyone being denied a chicken sammich because they believe differently? No.  Should their business be banned from opening more stores. Absolutely not. Last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with saying what you want. This is America, folks. Remember? Freedom of speech. Reference your 8th grade History book if you needs refresher course, please. 

The comments that I received on my post were quite interesting. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with having an opinion, and I believe firmly in Freedom of Speech, but there is a time and a place for everything. I consider myself as generally a non-confrontational person, some may disagree. I tend to believe that I do not start the fight....but I will finish it. I had someone with quite the nerve make a comment about my baby, saying: "does that baby hate gay marriage?" Someone please hose me off. I almost hit the ceiling. First of all, THAT BABY is my son. Have some respect. And no, MY SON doesn't hate gay marriage. I wasn't at Chic-fil-A today because of my thoughts about gay marriage, I was there because I believe in First Amendment rights. (Please, reference that same History book. Ahhhh! See?) Interestingly enough, I hadn't talked to THAT BOY in many, many years--which makes it comical that he could make such a comment about my son. Here is the picture. 

I know. He is perfect.

I had another person comment on my post that also had some nerve. Eventually, the comments were deleted by this person, as they should have been. In turn, I deleted my responses, as well as the rude comment from THAT other BOY about my son--bringing my FB post back to all it should be--a precious picture of my son! What also shocked me, as my husband pointed out, were the people who "liked" their comments.  Like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but have a little respect, tact, or whatever you want to call it. Looks like the 40+ people or so who "liked" the photo outnumbered the 5 or so who felt "offended" by it, I guess. 

On top of the Chic-fil-A ranting today, I also had emails from people who came across my Craigslist posting for our 8, yes EIGHT, puppies that we are trying to find homes for (any takers??) Some of the responses that I received were downright rude. One lady emailed saying that I could have at least given the puppies a bath, and put them in a basket with a blanket--instead of the "nasty garage floor," and another telling me that I was scamming people because, according to her, the puppies were a different breed from what I had written. Seriously? I wrote back to both of them. Both short, sweet, and to the point emails ended with "Have a nice day! :)" Because, well, that's just me...

These Craigslist people also email with the strangest names and comments. I'm sure I've gotten more than a dozen emails in 3 days, and none of them have been serious about the puppies. Two have even set up times and places and stood us up. Obviously, I'm done with Craigslist, but I just don't understand the intention of these people. Why waste so much time? What are they getting out of it? Seriously. Someone tell me. 

I also realized this evening that one of my oldest friends, who is gay, seems to have "deleted" me as a FB friend. What does that even mean? 

Today was just one of those days when you feel like there's a hole in your chest. The place that humanity has come to makes me very sad. Very sad. I think that's what I'm feeling. I feel sad knowing that there are people in this world who have no respect for those whom they don't know from Adam. I feel sad that there are people who put their selfish reactions before any thoughts of respect for others. I feel sad that there are hateful people in this world who lack any emotion whatsoever. 

We are all responsible for our own actions. I'm not saying that everyone is going to be nice and respectful...but well, that would be nice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I'm not one to call anyone out for the sheer purpose of trying to make myself feel better. In my opinion, there is a time and a place to let someone know if they are doing something "wrong" (i.e. the lady driving on the highway with the baby on her lap. Even then, she may be rushing to the hospital to see her dying family member.) We never know what is going on inside the heads and hearts of other people. There is only ONE person Who can call us out, and there will come a day. I know that I live my life for Him and that He is the ONLY person who can justly criticize my life because HE is the ONLY ONE who knows my ENTIRE heart. 

There is only one way to stop this madness. I read a quote yesterday that has great meaning here...
"Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
We may not be able to change the hearts of the lost souls in this world, but we can raise the purest ones to be different. Be the example. Be the light. Be the change that you want to see in this world. 


  1. Thank you for posting that. :)
    Hugs to you and your family!!!
    Ad Stetson is absolutely adorable!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
